Student Loans

3 Top Government Websites for Learning About Student Loans

Earning a college degree or obtaining career training can be expensive but is one of the best investments you can ever make. Studies show that individuals with higher education can increase amount they earn over a lifetime. When you make a decision to pursue higher education, you will likely have to find a way to pay the cost. If you are like many students and parents, student loans will be a vital component of your financial package. Getting these loans is a critical step that only you and your parents can determine if it makes financial sense.

Here are three government websites that can help you complete the necessary due diligence and gather information about student loans and related educational material.

1. Direct Loan Program

This website is devoted exclusively to the federal government’s Direct Loan Program. Students and parents have access to a wealth of information to learn about student loans as well as publications and tools designed to help manage the Direct Loan process.

The site also caters to financial aid professionals at schools and institutions with an array of information concerning operational communication, guidance documents, technical reports and other resources  necessary to run an effective Direct Loan Program at their school. There is also a section for institutions interested in joining the program.

The site covers information on the following programs:

  • Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans for parents and graduate/professional students
  • Direct Consolidation Loan

You can also learn about Pell Grants, Perkins LoansFederal Work Study (FWS), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) andTeacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants.

Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to apply for any of these loans.

2.  Federal Student Aid

This is also a website is a part of the U. S. Department of Education has the largest operation dedicated to student financial aid. The agency, which has a staff of more than 1,200 employees, provides more than $150 billion a year in student financial aid in the form of federal grants, loans, and work-study programs.

Since its authorization under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Federal Student Aid has been responsible for administering federal financial aid programs. Each year, more than 15 million students depend on these sources to finance college or career institutions.

The agency disburses, reconcile and account for all federal student aid funds. It also provides oversight and monitoring to ensure participants comply with laws and regulations.

The Federal Student Aid website offer the following benefits for students and parents:

  • Information  about the availability of federal student  financial assistance
  • Programs processes and how to apply

The website also offers the Free Application for Federal Student Aid    (FAFSA). By completing this application, students gain exposure to  a huge financial aid database.  States and institutions use data from applications to determine a student’s eligibility for state and school financial aid. Some private financial aid sources may also use FAFSA information.


This portal operates as the official U.S. government website. It actually a powerful search engine that can help you find information on an incredibly broad range of topics, including links to thousands of government websites, information and resources. You can also find information about student loans, student education, financial aid options and other government services.

You can find out what the about trends in popular pages, links and search terms. The site offers a great user experience and is quick, easy and efficient.

Earning a college degree or obtaining career training can be expensive but is one of the best investments you can ever make. Studies show that individuals with higher education can increase amount they earn over a lifetime. When you make a decision to pursue higher education, you will likely have to find a way to pay the cost. If you are like many students and parents, student loans will be a vital component of your financial package. Getting these loans is a critical step that only you and your parents can determine if it makes financial sense.

Here are three government websites that can help you complete the necessary due diligence and gather information about student loans and related educational material.

1. Direct Loan Program

This website is devoted exclusively to the federal government’s Direct Loan Program. Students and parents have access to a wealth of information to learn about student loans as well as publications and tools designed to help manage the Direct Loan process.

The site also caters to financial aid professionals at schools and institutions with an array of information concerning operational communication, guidance documents, technical reports and other resources  necessary to run an effective Direct Loan Program at their school. There is also a section for institutions interested in joining the program.

The site covers information on the following programs:

  • Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans for parents and graduate/professional students
  • Direct Consolidation Loan

You can also learn about Pell Grants, Perkins LoansFederal Work Study (FWS), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) andTeacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants.

Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to apply for any of these loans.

2.  Federal Student Aid

This is also a website is a part of the U. S. Department of Education has the largest operation dedicated to student financial aid. The agency, which has a staff of more than 1,200 employees, provides more than $150 billion a year in student financial aid in the form of federal grants, loans, and work-study programs.

Since its authorization under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Federal Student Aid has been responsible for administering federal financial aid programs. Each year, more than 15 million students depend on these sources to finance college or career institutions.

The agency disburses, reconcile and account for all federal student aid funds. It also provides oversight and monitoring to ensure participants comply with laws and regulations.

The Federal Student Aid website offer the following benefits for students and parents:

  • Information  about the availability of federal student  financial assistance
  • Programs processes and how to apply

The website also offers the Free Application for Federal Student Aid    (FAFSA). By completing this application, students gain exposure to  a huge financial aid database.  States and institutions use data from applications to determine a student’s eligibility for state and school financial aid. Some private financial aid sources may also use FAFSA information.


This portal operates as the official U.S. government website. It actually a powerful search engine that can help you find information on an incredibly broad range of topics, including links to thousands of government websites, information and resources. You can also find information about student loans, student education, financial aid options and other government services.

You can find out what the about trends in popular pages, links and search terms. The site offers a great user experience and is quick, easy and efficient.